How to evaluate your preparation for WBCS.
Self-evaluation is very important for WBCS aspirants. As you can understand clearly your strengths and weaknesses. Actually, competitive exam preparation is just like a race and it is very important to know where you stand among the participants. Self-evaluation can help to know your actual position and rectify yourself. Now the questions is how to evaluate your preparation for WBCS-

- Topic wise evaluation- After a detailed study of any topic you need to solve all types of questions from it. You must follow the previous year question from this topic. If there is any doubt you may clear.
- Mock test- Mock test is very important to evaluate yourself properly. After giving a mock test, check the answer and try to rectify and point out the wrong answer. Revise again and again and rewrite the answer which you make wrong. You can give a topic wise weekly mock test. It can help you to prepare a particular topic. Full length mock test is also very helpful to prepare you for the exam hall. You can learn the secret of time management through a full length mock test.
- Previous year question paper- You need to solve at least 10 years of question paper. This will be very helpful for you. You can get a clear idea of which types of questions and how many questions are coming from each topic. After understanding all these things, you can make your study plan according to your strengths and weaknesses.
- Reference books- After evaluation, one needs to improve his or her preparation. For proper preparation, books are very important. Always try to choose minimum resources to give optimum output. You may follow one book for detailed study and one book as a reference source for each subject. It can help you to improve your preparation. There are some books which you can follow-
- For General Studies you may follow NCERT text books from class 6 to 12. Descriptive Gk books by Tarun Goyal and LUCENT GK are also very good choices. You can get a basic idea of GS paper from the WBCS GS Manual of Nitin Singhania.
- For History, Krishna Reddy is the best book. You can follow Rajiv Ahir’s A Brief History of Modern India. In the Bengali version, Swadesh Sabhyota o Biswa of Jiban Mukhopadhyay is the best book.
- For Geography- Bharat o Paschim banger Bhugol by Kartik Chandra Mandal.
- For Polity- Indian Polity of LaxmiKant of MHE publication
- For Economy- Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania for English version and Bharater Orthoniti by Jibesh Sorkhel for Bengali version. NCERT economics book of class XI is also very useful.
- For science- Lucent general science for English version and class IX-X standard Bengali book of physics, chemistry and biology.
- For Arithmetic- RS Agarwal/ Quicker Math by M Tyra is the best book.
- For Reasoning- You can follow Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning by R S Agarwal.
- For English- Objective General English of SP Bakshi/ P K De Sarkar is the best book.
- For Current Affairs- You can follow any standard monthly magazine like Pratiyogita Darpan/ Pratiyogita Kiran or you can read a daily newspaper.
- You can follow these books which will be very beneficial for your WBCS preparation.
But beside self-evaluation now you can get professional guidance and evaluation. There are several coaching institutions in Kolkata for WBCS coaching. ICE Academy is one of the best of them. They provide Upgraded study material, topic wise weekly mock test, full length mock test, conceptual classes of experienced faculty and many other things which help to improve your preparation. Here you can learn self-evaluation and rectification methods which can help you to crack the exam. So, you can join ICE Academy to achieve your success.